
Showing posts from February, 2021

Switch Marshmallow

 N ame: Switch Marshmallow Manufacturer: Switch Can size: 500ml Energy: 360kJ  (MEDIUM) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Sodium Cyclamate, Aspartame Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest: Carmoisine Flavour: Generic sort of candy flavour with aromatic hints; marred by a very strong bitter after taste Rating: 4/10 [May be discontinued]

Switch Sugar-free Kiwi & Hibiscus

N ame: Switch Sugar-free Kiwi & Hibiscus Manufacturer: Switch Can size: 500ml Energy: 30kJ  (LOW) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sodium Cyclamate, Acesulphame K, Sodium Saccharin Other chemicals of interest: Carmoisine, Brilliant Blue Flavour: The main flavour is not dissimilar to slightly sour apple with sort of hint of fragrance. It is marred a bit by the non-nutritive sweeteners, but the acidity helps to negate them. Rating: 6/10

USN Spike Hardcore

Name:  USN Spike Hardcore Manufacturer: USN Can size: 500ml Energy: 391k J (MEDIUM) Caffeine: 225mg Sweeteners: Sugar, Sucralose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A pretty typical acidy original energy drink flavour, but somewhat more astringent.  Rating: 6/10

Move Pineapple & Ginger

Name:  Move Pineapple & Ginger Manufacturer: Shoprite/Checkers Can size: 250ml Energy: 400kJ/500ml  (HIGH) Caffeine: 158mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Aspartame, Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest: Quinoline Yellow, Allura Red Flavour: Bold sour fruity pineapple, but quite gentle with the ginger. Wish this came in a 500ml tin. Rating: 9/10

Switch Element

N ame: Switch Element Manufacturer: Switch Can size: 500ml Energy: 385kJ  (MEDIUM) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Sodium Cyclamate, Aspartame, Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest: Carmoisine, Brilliant Blue Flavour: A kind of sweet artificial flavour, difficult to pin down. Their marketing calls it "atomic" whatever that means. Not unpalatable by any means. Rating: 6/10

On by Hype

Name: On by Hyp e Manufacturer: Hype Energy Drinks Can size: 500ml Energy: 860kJ  (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A very smooth and well-blended original drink. Slightly "dry" tasting. Rating: 9/10

Dragon Blueberry

Name:  Dragon Blueberry Manufacturer: Kingsley Can size: 500ml Energy: 330kJ  (MEDIUM) Caffeine: 150mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Acesulphame K, Aspartame Other chemicals of interest: Brilliant blue Flavour: A pleasingly sour berry flavour. Rating: 8/10

Punch Original

Name:  Punch Original Manufacturer: Punch Energy Drink Can size: 440ml Energy: 1125kJ/500ml  (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Dextrose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A somewhat sweeter tasting, but otherwise typical "original" energy drink flavour. Rating: 7/10

Play Mango

Name:  Play Mango Manufacturer: Energy Beverages Can size: 440ml Energy: 410kJ/500ml  (HIGH) Caffeine: 150mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Sucralose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Weakly fruity, not too sour mango taste with a strong bitter aftertaste. Rating: 6/10

Move Apple & Peach

Name:  Move Apple & Peach Manufacturer: Shoprite/Checkers Can size: 250ml Energy: 400kJ/500ml  (HIGH) Caffeine: 158mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Aspartame, Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest: Quinoline Yellow, Allura Red Flavour: Pleasantly fruity, but with the apple somewhat overpowering the peach. Rating: 7/10

Red Bull The Red Edition

Name: Red Bull The Red Edition Manufacturer: Red Bull Can size: 250ml Energy: 980 kJ/500ml (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Glucose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A very clean, fruity cranberry taste with a (unsurprising) large tanniny component. Rating: 9/10

USN Qhush Spike X300 Extreme Energy

Name:  USN “It’s The Qhush” Spike X300 Extreme Energy Manufacturer: USN Can size: 500ml Energy: 51k J (LOW) Caffeine: 300mg Sweeteners: Sucralose, Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A pretty inoffensive, not that acidic flavour, with a strong non-nutritive sweetener bitterness. Rating: 5/10

Score GT

Name: Score GT Manufacturer: Chillbeverages Can size: 500ml Energy: 60k J (LOW) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucralose, Acesulphame K Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Very similar to the original score in flavour, but with very prominent non-nutritive sweetener bitterness. Rating: 5/10

Red Bull The Summer Edition

Name: Red Bull The Summer Edition: Watermelon Manufacturer: Red Bull Can size: 250ml Energy: 950 kJ/500ml (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Glucose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Strongly sour with fruity and aromatic watermelon added. Rating: 8/10

Switch Watermelon Mint

N ame: Switch Watermelon Mint Manufacturer: Switch Can size: 500ml Energy: 675kJ  (HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Cyclamates, Acesulphame K, Saccharin Other chemicals of interest: Carmoisine, Brilliant Blue Flavour: The mint flavour is very bold, and what hits you first. The slightly sour fruitiness of the watermelon helps blunt it and the overall effect, while reminiscent of toothpaste, is not half bad. Rating: 6/10 NOTE: Flavour may be discontinued.

Monster Lewis Hamilton

Name:  Monster Lewis Hamilton Manufacturer: Monster Can size: 500ml Energy: 442kJ/500ml  (HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Glucose, Erythritol, Sucralose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Aromatic, almost metallic flavour. Very hard to define, but not bad per se. Rating: 6/10

Bioplus Cloudy Lemon

  Name: Bioplus Cloudy Lemon Manufacturer: Adcock Ingram Healthcare Can size: 440ml Energy: 80kJ/500ml  (LOW) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Acesulfame K, Cyclamates, Saccharins Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: A very authentic tasting lemon flavour, although the non-nutritive sweetener taste was quite prominent as well. Rating: 6/10

Red Bull The Coconut Edition

Name: Red Bull The Coconut Edition Manufacturer: Red Bull Can size: 250ml Energy: 955 kJ/500ml (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Glucose Other chemicals of interest: Brilliant Blue FCF Flavour: The sweet, slightly milky coconut flavour plays well with the tart berry. Rating: 9/10

Play Original

Name:  Play Original Manufacturer: Energy Beverages Can size: 440ml Energy: 400kJ/500ml  (HIGH) Caffeine: 150mg/500ml Sweeteners: Sucrose, Sucralose Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Basic tart energy drink flavour with prominent sucralose aftertaste and hints of an odd astringency. Rating: 6/10

Bioplus Kinetic Kiwi

Name: Bioplus Kinetic Kiwi Manufacturer: Adcock Ingram Healthcare Can size: 440ml Energy: 1415kJ/500ml  (VERY HIGH) Caffeine: 160mg/500ml Sweeteners: Dextrose, Sugar Other chemicals of interest:  Flavour: Tastes like a sweet, slightly tart apple flavour. Rating: 8/10

Switch Creature Kraken

Name: Switch Creature Kraken Manufacturer: Switch Can size: 500ml Energy: 373kJ  (MEDIUM) Caffeine: 160mg Sweeteners: Sucrose, Acesulphame K, Sucralose Other chemicals of interest: Brilliant Blue Flavour: Something of a mystery flavour, akin to a slightly tart bubblegum? Rating: 7/10